How to Install Manim for Mac

I found that MacTex didn’t really work for me and I didn’t need to use the last step in Brian Howell’s tutorial so this is an updated and succinct version of his post. His post does cover the first few steps in greater detail if needed

Step 1: Install packages

Paste the following lines into terminal one by one.

If you need to install homebrew:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

If you need to install python3:

brew install python3

Packages to install for Manim:

brew install cairo pkg-config virtualenv

Step 2: Install Latex from MikTex Console

Download the MikTex Console from here. I did a private install then paste the following in terminal to fix the path issues to

echo export 'PATH=~/bin:$PATH'>> ~/.bash_profile

I actually have Latex installed from MacTex but it didn’t seem to work for me.

Step 3: Folder Setup & Download Manim

Create a folder where you want the Manim library to be stored in, I recommend you pick one that is only one word like “Animations”. I have a folder named “Projects” in my home directory. I created the Animations folder in the Projects folder so my path is essentially “~/Projects/Animations”

Open a new terminal and cd to that folder as shown below

cd <Path-to-Newly-Created-Directory>
Example of changing directory in terminal

Next we will download that manim37 folder in the image below (at this moment your animation directory should still be empty)

git clone

Next, rename the manim folder that has just been downloaded to manim37 (you don’t have to do this but the following steps does use manim37 as the folder name)

Step 4: Virtual Environment Install Packages

The following commands will change your directory to the manim37 folder, setup and activate a virtual environment and do the package installations for dependencies.

cd manim37

virtualenv venv

source venv/bin/activate

pip3 install sox ffmpeg latex pycairo

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Step 5: Make an output folder

In the manim37 folder, create a folder called “output”

Step 6: Modify File Path

Open the found in manim37/manimlib

Where the is located

Change line 27 (the line that says “Dropbox (3Blue1Brown)/3Blue1Brown Team Folder”) to the path to your output folder

My path to the output folder is “~/Projects/Animations/manim37/output” so I will change line 26 to “Projects/Animations/manim37/output”

What the should look like

Step 7: Test & Fixes

Basic Test

Do a test to check if the basic animations are working by entering the following into the terminal

python3 -m manim 


You want to select the SquareToCircle example scene so the response is 2 as shown above

What it should look like if you succeeded

You can play the SquareToCircle.mp4 to see if you get a white diamond outline turning into a purple filled red outlined circle

Latex Test for Text Animations

Test if text animations are working by entering the following into the terminal:

python3 -m manim 


You want to select the WriteStuff example scene so the response is 5 as shown above.

What it should look like if you succeeded

If this part fails, it is likely because there is something wrong with your latex. I recommend going to the .log files inside the output/Tex folder

Where the log files are located

You might find lines like:

!LaTeX Error: File `ragged2e.sty' not found.

You can go to MikTex Console (the app you downloaded previously) and search for it in the packages list. To download it, select the package and click the + icon.

The MikTex Console should prompt you when you are running the test program to ask if you want to download the packages needed.